11 September 2012

Chronic Building Fires

Another week, another visit to the physio. The arm's progressing well with the ligaments on the top of my shoulder fixed up I'm now working on the muscles in my back. Turns out my bust arm's starting to switch off still and my right shoulder is pathetically weak compared to my good one. Lots of punching agaisnt a resistance band to see if that helps.

Finally got a good session with a second physio on my feet. Through various analogies includeding playing rugby, coaching a saturday football team and burning buildings he's pointed out that the problem is purely physiological. My body's been working round the problem and associates pain with the movement of my foot. The solution is to just work it till it figures out it's all ok and stops the alarm bells ringing that make me think it hurts. Notes from the guy that passed me onto him included the word "Chronic" and reading them he said "well we like a challenge". Current exercises:

Punching while holding red theraband until I'm too tired.
Bridge with a green theraband wrapped round my knees.
Squats with a green theraband wrapped round my knees.
Heel raises of a step. Started today doing reps of 20 with weights in a rucksack.
Lateral and vertical work with my right foot working against a blue theraband. 

Next foot physio 9th Oct
Next arm physio XXth Sept

Hopefully getting up 10mins earlier and working at it will make the difference.

Things on the shopping list for Christmas:
Weights Vest
New trainers that are not just "good enough for keeping dirt off my feet and that's about it"

Weight for heel raisers 20 off at 3.75kg