28 June 2012

Turns out the trip home from work is 21.5miles so today:

Cycle to work 2.5miles
Cycle home from work 21.5miles 1hr 40mins.

To add to that extra 1/2 mile it was 23degrees, 80% humidity and there was a lovely 15mph headwind. Hence the slow time. Record in previous months was 1hr 25mins so after a few weeks that's what I'll be aiming for before pushing on to 1hr 20mins. The biggest problem are the traffic lights and junctions. When not stuck at them cruising at 20+mph is possible with 36.4mph down Glassmill Lane top speed for the moment.

27 June 2012

In an attempt to keep up with Smatt's Blog I'm going to start posting up the fitbess I'm doing partly to motivate me to do it! So here goes...

Cycle 2.5miles to work
Cycle 21miles home 1hr 35mins

04 June 2012

Finally managed to get of some of the Voltatol Active spray. Tried it out on my heels and seems to have had an effect. Real test will come as part of a tournament though so it'll be in my kit bag for Tour 2. Feet stil la bit sore so still no running for me till next week. Tentatively thinking about cycling to work if only to combat the amount of junk I'm eating and the Victoria sponge that's currently in the oven.

03 June 2012

Turns out Voltarol is pretty tough to get hold of in spray form. No joy at Asdaor Tesco but found some at a pharmacy. The bzzagent vouchers worked now just got to see if it lives up to the adverts...