14 October 2012

Approaching the end of the road

Progress appears to be going well on my shoulder. Physio has now effectively discharged me. I have plenty of comedy exercises to do now. To date I'm up to:

Shoulder weights 2 off 10 reps with a mighty 2kg (two types)
Kneeling down with a band wrapped round me ankle and writing letters with me hand. 5 off 6s reps
Working against a band for shoulder yellow band 2 off 20 reps

Physio for feet seems to be going well. Having worked up to slow heel raises, 20 off per foot with 10kg on my back I'm moving to ballistics work. Ballistics following slow ones. 30reps on two feet now moving to 20off per single feet.

Physio also mentioned I needed to work on my core and hamstrings so started off with some plank. Been a while so started with 40s. will work up to a minute before reducing the time and moving hands/feet away. 

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