Thanks to the NHS I'm getting Physio on my shoulder and feet. The shoulder's getting there slowly but I still can't drive or cycle so having to get the train everywhere. Got some bizarre superman pose exercises to do with a Theraband. Still nowhere near throwing a disc either.
Managed to get on the wrong train at London bridge and only realised as my train pulled away from the platform next door. Thankfully the physio was ok about me being 10mins late. The usual "what's wrong" sheet and a load of squatting hopping and bending later and he reckons its a problem with my stability. He made an analogy with the pain being mental. Not psychological but taught. If he gave me 5 glasses of wine and asked me to tell the difference between then I probably couldn't. Go away for 6 months and drink them lots and I probably could. Didn't bother suggesting that I'd be willing to try this as long as he supplied the wine. Figured turning up late meant we didn't have time for my hilarious comments. The pain is localised at insertion of my Achilles heel and I just need to teach it that it's ok and not to kick off pain receptors.
Squats and bridge with a theraband and it should tighten up my glutes. Heel raisers till it hurts and it'll teach my foot it doesn't really hurt. no running, jumping or climbing trees for a while but at least I know it's not a permanent damage thing just my brain being stupid. Time to show it the error of its ways.
The Kapow website is up now and being feverishly populated. As I'm not playing I'll be trying to take some video and photos at the weekend for nationals. Getting the train on the way there and back also means there's potential for a couple of shandies to celebrate getting to Europeans.